Watertons Wildlife
Whether you plan to drive the roads, hike the trails, or relax in town, there are many opportunities to observe wildlife in Waterton Lakes National Park. Wildlife can be spotted year round, so keep a look out for the park’s 60-plus species of mammals.
Bighorn sheep, deer and ground squirrels are commonly seen in the community of Waterton. Small mammals, birds, deer and bighorn sheep are often seen along mountain trails, and the park’s grasslands provide important range for elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer. Black bears are occasionally seen on open slopes, in forested areas, along roadsides, in campgrounds and feeding in berry patches in the lower valleys in late summer. Late summer and fall are particularly good wildlife viewing times. The grasslands covering the lower mountain sides provide important food sources which attract wildlife; as well as open views which make them more visible. Ungulates such as deer, elk and bighorn sheep mate in the fall, so they are looking their best at this time; with antlers at peak growth and thick, shiny coats. This is the time of year when you can experience bugling elk and their large harems, or head-butting tests of strength by bighorn sheep.