Data protection
By giving us your name and personal details, you are consenting for them to be used to process your booking. If you do not agree to our use of your information we cannot do business with you or accept your booking. We take full responsibility for ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect your information. We must pass the information on to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements such as airlines, hotels, transport companies etc. The information may also be provided to security or credit checking companies, public authorities such as customs/immigration if required by them, or as required by law.
Additionally, where your holiday is outside the European Economic Area, controls on data protection in the destination you are travelling to may not be as strong as the legal requirements in the UK. We will not however, pass any information on to any person/organisation not responsible for any part of your travel arrangements. This applies to any sensitive information that you give us such as details of any disabilities, dietary or religious requirements. Please note that where information is also held by your travel agent, this is subject to your agents own data protection policy.